Em abril 19, 2020, RFID e ABB (ASEA Brown Boveri) oficialmente lançado cooperação estratégica, e RFIDHY forneceu ABB com máscaras, óculos e outros produtos que atendem aos padrões europeus e americanos. Actualmente, os requisitos de exportação de respiradores e outros materiais de prevenção epidêmica na Europa são muito rigorosos. Eles não devem apenas cumprir a certificação CE, but also meet the European standard FFP standard. As for the mask products exported to the United States, they need to meet FDA certification, FDA N95 certification and so on. Many companies with insufficient qualification have many problems in customs clearance. It is not uncommon for mask products to be returned or directly expropriated by the local government.
RFIDHY’s masks, Vestuário, goggles and other products can provide a full set of certification and testing reports, and can assist in customs clearance, which is why multinational giants like ABB choose RFIDHY as their supplier of anti-epidemic products.
ASEA Brown Boveri (commonly referred to as ABB) is a Swiss Swedish multinational company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. Its business scope is mainly in the fields of robots, motors, energy, automation, etc. Em 2018, the company ranked 314 in the Fortune Global 500 and has been on the list for 23 consecutive years .
ABB is one of the world’s largest engineering companies and one of the world’s largest enterprise groups. ABB has branches or offices in more than 100 countries. In November 2013, there were about 150000 employees, with global revenue of about 40 bilhões.
Now the epidemic is spreading all over the world. É imperativo popularizar o uso de produtos antiepidemia. Nós sinceramente convidamos fornecedores de todo o mundo para cooperar conosco. Todos os produtos podem fornecer certificados completos e serviço de entrega de porta a porta em todo o mundo.